16 research outputs found

    The Strenght of Socio-Affective Strategy With Skype Video Call in the Teaching Speaking

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    To speak English for most Indonesian  students is not an easy matter. Many of them feel shy and lack of confidence. That is why the teachers should use an appropriate strategy to help them improve their speaking ability. This study was a quasi- experiment applying non- randomized control group pre-test  post-test design and the subjects of which were the students of Management Class of STIE Perbanas  Surabaya.  The researcher took two classes of the first semester.  They were Class O.2 having 25 students as a control group, and class B.1 having 26 students as an Experimental group. The  study has proved that  socio affective strategy  with Skype is more effective than conventional strategy when used in the teaching speaking and the students who were taught using socio affective strategy with Skype could be more interested to communicate  with English languag


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    AbstractThis study aims to show that there are various methods of learning English in early childhood using flashcard media. Not only it can add new vocabulary but also it can improve speaking and listening skills. According to Sandra Fox, apart from generally adding vocabulary, here are some interesting methods of using flashcards, namely Cahin Mini-Dialogue, Guessing Mimes, Guessing Mimes behind Back, TPR, Describing Activities, and Exchanging Information. Some of the methods of using the flashcards mentioned above are very interesting, they make students (early childhood) enjoy learning English. Keywords: flashcard, learning method, EnglishAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada anak usia dini dengan menggunakan media flashcard sangatlah beragam. Bukan hanya dapat menambah kosakata baru namun juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan mendengar. Berdasarkan Sandra Fox, selain yang pada umumnya untuk menambah kosakata, berikut ada beberapa metode penggunaan flashcard yang menarik yaitu, dengan Cahin Mini-Dialogue, Guessing Mimes, Guesing Mimes behind Back, TPR, Describing Activities, dan Exchanging Information. Beberapa metode penggunaan flashcard tersebut di atas sangatlah menarik, hal itu membuat peserta didik (anak usia dini) menikmati pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.   Kata Kunci: flashcard, metode pembelajaran, bahasa inggri


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    The purpose of this study is to find out the types of metaphors and their meanings in the lyrics of the song Fireflies sung by Owl City. The research method used descriptive (qualitative). Documentation technique was applied to perform data analysis, in this case the text of the fireflies song lyrics as the data source used. The results showed that there were three types of metaphors in the lyrics of the song, including structural metaphors, orientational metaphors, and ontological metaphors. The meaning of the figurative meaning of the fireflies song lyrics was to do everything you like, appreciated the time and the little things around you, because they couldn't be repeated, and things didn't always have to be what we wantTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis metafora dan maknanya dalam lirik lagu Fireflies yang dinyayikan oleh Owl City. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif (kualitatif). Teknik dokumentasi diterapkan untuk melakukan analisis data, dalam hal ini teks lirik lagu fireflies sebagai sumber data yang digunakan. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu, terdapat tiga jenis metafora dalam lirik lagu tersebut, diantaranya adalah metafora struktural, metafora orientasional, dan metafora ontologis. Makna dari lirik lagu fireflies yang penuh kiasan adalah lakukan segala sesuatu yang kamu sukai, hargailah waktu dan hal-hal kecil disekitarmu, karena hal tersebut tidak bisa diulang kembali, dan segala sesuatu tidak selalu harus sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginka


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    If there is ambiguity in the title of a fairy tale, the reader will struggle to understand it. This study aims to describe the ambiguity contained in several titles of children's fairy tales. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative method. After collecting and reducing the data, 4 (four) of 28 (twenty eight) fairy tale titles have ambiguity. The researcher analyzed the results and found that out of the 4 (four) titles, the categories of ambiguity were weak and grammatical level ambiguity. Weak ambiguity indicates that the phrase still has a lot of information to explore, while grammatical level ambiguity is when a group of words has different meanings. If the title is interpreted more than one meaning, it will cause confusion for the reader because it is not a universal meaning. Reading fairy tales has become a hobby for some children, especially if the fairy tale has an interesting title and is easy to understand.   Keywords: fairy tale, Semantic, AmbiguityJika pada judul sebuah dongeng terdapat ambiguitas, maka pembaca akan bersusah payah untuk memahaminya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ambiguitas yang terdapat pada beberapa judul dongeng anak. Metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah metode kualitatif. Setelah mengumpulkan dan mereduksi data maka didapatkan 4 (empat) judul dongeng yang memiliki ambiguitas dari 28 (dua puluh delapan) judul yang ada pada sumber data. Peneliti menganalisis hasil dan mendapatkan bahwa dari 4 (empat) judul tersebut memiliki kategori ambiguitas lemah dan ambiguitas tingkat gramatikal. Ambiguitas lemah menandakan bahwa frasa tersebut masih memiliki banyak informasi yang harus digali, sedangakn ambiguitas tingkat gramatikal adalah ketika suatu kelompok kata memiliki makna yang berbeda. Makna yang diinterpretasikan lebih dari satu akan menyebabkan kebingungan bagi pembaca karena hal tersebut bukan merupakan makna secara umum (universal). Membaca dongeng telah menjadi kegemaran bagi sebagian anak, apalagi jika dongeng tersebut memiliki judul yang menarik dan mudah dipahami.   Kata Kunci: Dongeng, Semantik, Ambiguita

    The Improvement Of English Writing And Students’ Motivation Through Brainstorming

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    Brainstorming activity is a main factor that can give effect on students’ writing motivation. Teaching English writing by using brainstorming strategy is really important especially to increase students’ motivation. This research is aimed at investigating the effect of brainstorming and its relation to students’ motivation in English writing for the second semester students of Management Major of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, numbering 25 students in academic year 2018-2019. Classroom Action Research (CAR) method was applied in this research. Researcher could investigate and analyze brainstorming process by using this method. Applying brainstorming strategy, the participants (students) were more motivated in terms of writing, which at this time was English writing with a particular topic. Result of this study revealed that brainstorming strategy could improve students’ English Writing skill and their motivation in writing. They could produce good and effective words, and also interesting answers. Based on the fact, brainstorming strategy is suggested for teaching English Writing. Students’ motivation in writing much higher than without brainstorming strategy. Key Words: Brainstorming, Motivation, English Writin


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    ABSTRACT The conventional method applied in the teaching listening created mistakes for the students to answer the listening questions. To overcome the problem the researcher applied TPT with Adobe Audition as a teaching media. The research questions was how could adobe audition 1.5 be able to improve the student’s listening ability? The research design used was Classroom Action Research (CAR), applying the spiral model with 4 steps: First step was planning, second step was acting, third step was observing, and fourth step was reflecting. The research result were: 1) the students could understand the English material easily and clearly, 2)the activities in class became joyful, happy and more interesting, 3)the students’ listening skill and their achievement in English materials became more improved, 4) the students became more interested in learning listening comprehension and vocabulary, 5)the students learning motivation became more increased. Meanwhile, the mean of the students’ scores of cycle 2 was better than cycle I, those were 55% in cycle 1 and 70% in cycle2. Key Words: teaching listening, TPT, adobe audition 1.

    The Fluency of Oral Reading with Natural Reader Software

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    This recent investigation aims to find out whether natural reader software improves oral reading fluency for English language learners. In this recent study, the natural reader software was considered as independent variable and the oral reading fluency score was regarded as dependent one. The subjects of this investigation were students of English education study program. The number of the students of group (1) were 32 students who are taught using natural reader software and this group was considered to be an experimental group and The number of the students of group (2) were35 students who are taught without using natural reader software this group was considered to be control group. This study has proven that this software can significantly prove that most of  students have more accurate and more precise reading skills. This study has revealed that oral reading fluency instruction does improve global reading proficiency at all grade level

    The Effectiveness of Click and Clunk Strategy on the Students’ Reading Achievement

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    The goal of this study is to determine how well the Click & Clunk approach works in improving students' reading comprehension. In this study, non-randomized pretests and posttests were used in a quasi-experimental setting utilizing quantitative methodologies. Students from SMPN 1 Kanigoro served as the study's subjects, with Class 7H serving as the control group and Class 7I serving as the experimental group. Reading assessments served as the research's tools (pretest and posttest). The control group class, on the other hand, was taught using the KWL method. The experimental group class was taught utilizing the Click & Clunk method. A posttest was then provided to both groups. The data was generated by SPSS Version 20 and then analyzed using ANCOVA. The analysis's findings suggested that the Click and Clunk Strategy could raise children' reading proficiency

    The Power of Trendy Flash Intro Builder 1.0 in the Teaching of Grammar

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    The purpose of the study was to look into the effectiveness of Trendy Flash Builder 1.0 software in teaching grammar. This study used a non-random sample of students from all demographics and a non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The subject of the study was implemented in the English department of UNIPA Blitar. The research subject for this study was a student from two classes, IA and IB, from which the treatment class was drawn at random. Class IB was the experimental group, receiving Trendy Flash Builder 1.0 software as a teaching medium, whereas Class IA was the control group, receiving no teaching media. As these groups differed on several parameters, ANCOVA was employed to try to reduce some of these disparities. As a result of data calculations, the research hypothesis was confirmed. It is possible to infer that Trendy Flash Builder 1.0 software as a teaching medium can have a significant impact on students' grammar achievement